Partnering for Prosperity: Advice for Those Looking to Navigate Self Storage Investments with a Strong Ally

Investing in the self storage industry presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. For many investors, the journey is often embarked upon solo, driven by individual goals and strategies. However, the complexity of the market, coupled with the nuances of managing and growing a self storage business, can make the idea of finding a partner not just appealing but strategic. Here’s why partnering with someone might just be the piece you’ve been missing in your investment puzzle.

Identifying Blind Spots

No matter how experienced or knowledgeable you are, blind spots can and do exist. These are areas in your business or investment strategy that you might overlook, misunderstand, or simply not be aware of. A partner can bring a fresh perspective, identifying these blind spots before they become pitfalls. This collaborative approach to problem-solving and decision-making can significantly mitigate risks associated with your investment.

Complementary Skills Set

Finding a partner whose strengths complement your weaknesses can create a powerful synergy, propelling your business forward. If you’re a master at operations but lack prowess in marketing, a partner with a strong marketing background can fill this gap, ensuring that all aspects of your self storage business are optimized. This synergy allows each partner to focus on what they do best, ensuring that the business benefits from a well-rounded expertise.

Collaboration on Growth and Success

The path to expanding your self storage investment can be daunting when walked alone. A partner offers the opportunity for collaboration on strategies for growth and success. Whether it’s pooling resources for an expansion, brainstorming new revenue streams, or navigating the complexities of the market together, a partner can provide moral and strategic support. This collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and strategies that might not have been apparent or achievable solo.

Sharing the Financial Burden and Rewards

Investing in self storage, particularly at the expansion stage, can require significant capital. Having a partner means you can share the financial burden, making it easier to fund new projects or grow your existing facilities. This shared financial responsibility can also extend to sharing the risks, making it less daunting to take on ambitious projects. Of course, this also means sharing the rewards, but the potential for growth often outweighs the divided profits.

Emotional and Entrepreneurial Support

The journey of an investor is often rife with highs and lows. A partner who shares your vision and commitment can offer much-needed emotional support during challenging times. This support system can be invaluable, providing you with the resilience to persevere. Moreover, a partner with entrepreneurial spirit can keep the momentum going, inspiring innovation and driving the business towards shared goals.

Finding the Right Partner

While the benefits of having a partner in the self storage industry are clear, it’s crucial to ensure that you find the right fit. This means aligning not just in terms of skills and what you bring to the business, but also in terms of vision, values, and goals. The right partner should be someone you trust, respect, and can communicate with openly and effectively.


For some self storage investors, the solo journey may be preferred or the only option considered. However, for those open to the idea, finding a partner can unlock numerous benefits, from covering each other’s blind spots and sharing the financial load to driving growth through collaborative efforts. If you choose to go down this path, take the time to find someone who complements your skills, shares your vision, and is as committed to the business’s success as you are. In the right partnership, 1 + 1 can equal far more than 2, leading to unprecedented growth and success in the self storage industry.