
Learn the ins and outs of self storage investing…

Investing in Self Storage Units

How Can Military Families Best Utilize Self Storage?

For many families, moving is not something that happens often. It isn’t uncommon for a family be in the same place while raising the children and for their first move to be when they grow up and move out onto their own. This isn’t the case, though, for military families. They know that frequent moves …

Self Storage Private Money

How Can You Bring More Tech into Your Facility?

Technology is something that we are all having to learn and adapt to here in 2019. It seems like as soon as we conquer one new kind, it is either updated or replaced! It is imperative, though, that we bring this technology into our facilities. What kind of tech are we talking about? Check out …

Self Storage Professional Storage Units

Maintenance Factors that Cannot be Overlooked

The duties of a self storage manager are many! With all that they have on their plates, let’s have a list of 10 maintenance reminders of things that cannot be overlooked. Comprar Cialis 50 mg sin receta online al mejor precio, comprar kamagra sin receta farmacia, tabletas para la fuerza. Spring Cleaning- Winter takes its …

Investing in Commercial Storage Units

Why Self Storage Will Continue to be Needed

Welcome to our next article series. There are so many different things to cover when talking about self storage. For this series, we want to go behind the scenes of ownership and management, talk about some storage tips and tricks, and even tell some humorous stories. Join us below for the first article “Why Self …

Invest in Storage Units

Lock It Up – 4 Lock Tips

When you think about the operations of a self storage facility, what are some of the first things that pop into your head? The all metal construction? Moving trucks? What about the locks? Locks may seem like a small, insignificant aspect, but without them self storage facilities would cease to function properly! Let’s talk about …

Private Placement - Scott Meyers

Save Money By Being Proactive

We live in a world that could be described as “sue happy”. People are ALWAYS looking for a reason to enter into a lawsuit.  Coffee being too hot. Careless Falls. With just a quick google search you can drum up hundreds of frivolous lawsuits. There is no reason, though, that you should have to endure …

Storage Units

Vinyl is Alive! – How to Help Your Customer Store it Properly

I was walking down the aisle in Walmart the other day when a display caught my eye. It was an entire shelf FULL of vinyl albums! I haven’t seen those in stores in so long I can’t even give you an approximation. That made me curious so I did some “Googling” and came up with …

Self Storage Investing - Scott Meyers

Self Storage Is A Perfect Investment – Recap

We have taken the past 10 blogs to discuss various reasons why investing in self storage is such an incredible investment sector. Let’s take this final article in the series to recap what we learned. Penny #1 – “No trash, no toilets” – This, I think, is one of my favorite points! With self storage , …

Scott Meyers - Invest in Self Storage

Self Storage – As Reliable as the Sun – Penny #10

Real estate investing is not something earth shatteringly new, right? It is something that has been done in one form or another since the beginning of humankind. In our final penny, #10, of “Why Self Storage is a Dime”, we are going to chat about how self storage is a stable market to be investing …