
Learn the ins and outs of self storage investing…

Self Storage Investing - Scott Meyers

Why Self Storage is a Dime Among Pennies

Picture this. You are walking down the street and you see a dirty penny on the ground. Trampled on by hundreds of other pedestrians. Is it going to stop you in your tracks? Will you go out of your way to go pick up that single penny? Probably not. What if it were a 1874 …

Self Storage Professional - Scott Meyers

What are Your Customers Looking For?

Wouldn’t it help to know what your customers were thinking? If you could know what they were thinking, then you would know what they wanted and you could be at the top of your marketing game for your facility. What if I told you that I know what your customer was looking for? That there …

Self Storage Investing - Red Flag

Watch out for the writing on the wall – Part 2

In part 1 of this blog, we talked about some “writing on the wall” that you should be looking for before entering into business at a new facility. There were a few more on that list that we wanted you to be on the lookout for! Check them out: Recent Rent Increase If the seller …

Scott Meyers - Self Storage Evaluator

Watch out for the writing on the wall – Part 1

When you have finally made a self storage facility purchase, it is without a doubt an exciting time! How can you ensure though, that when you look in retrospect, that you don’t have any regrets? Keep on the watch for the “writing on the wall”! Check out these following things that you should be on …

Scott Meyers - Investing in Storage Units

The Art of Negotiation

Buy real estate without entering into one form of negotiation or another is virtually unheard of. Sellers want more and the buyers want to pay less. Check out the top five lessons we have learned in the art of negotiation. Don’t be difficult to sell to. Without even knowing it, many buyers are their own …

Investing in Self Storage - Private Placement Memorandums

Pave the Way

Since roadways became a “thing”, multitudes of materials have been used to create them. Sometimes they were just beaten down paths, other times granite paving stones were used. Some materials wore better than others. When it comes to your self storage facility, it will benefit you to take some time to consider what road materials …

Self Storage Analysis Software - Scott Meyers

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel

When something works, why change it? In the world of self storage facilities, there is an obvious formula that works. Consider these reasons as to why you should avoid trying to “fix” something that is not broken. Stick with the basic You will find that most people have made the biggest amount of money have …

Scott Meyers - Self Storage Analysis

Are you building a legacy?

Grandma’s china. Grandpa’s gun collection. Uncle Gary’s collection of rusty nails in coffee tins. Every American wants to have something to pass down to future generations. Will what they are leaving behind be something that is treasured? Or something that is just tossed aside? Let me tell you why a self storage facility makes a …

Self Storage

Ask Scott: Estimated Expenses

“Hey Scott! When elevating Storage Units what rule of thumb do we use for estimated expenses?  50% rule?  60% rule because it is commercial?  When calculating vacancy and bad debt, do these have rule of thumb too?  Thanks!” Hello! An existing Facility that’s being properly managed should have an expense ratio of 32 – 35%, that is …