
Learn the ins and outs of self storage investing…

Self Storage Investing - Business

Use Social Media to your Advantage

Did you know that 69% of American adults use at least one form of social media regularly? As the internet continues to dominate, it is important for you, as a business owner to follow suit when it comes to your marketing. Want to know the best thing about using social media as a marketing platform? …

Self Storage Investing

Can “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” boosting your storage unit rental occupancy?

By now most people are familiar with Marie Kondo and her fantastic home organization skills. This mini series on Netflix has changed the way people are cleaning, organizing, and decluttering their homes! Marie Kondo’s inspiring tips are inspiring thousands. But what is the key to her organizing? She encourages people to stop clinging to things …

Self Storage Investors

Color Theory and the Self Storage Facility Owner

Have you ever tried to envision what life would be like if it was in black and white? Watching tv with my grandparents always got me thinking about what that would be like. No admiring the way the colors of a rainbow run together. No determining how juicy a strawberry will be just by looking …

Self Storage Investing - Scott Meyers

Ask Scott: Negotiating Zoning Problems

“We just got shut done on a Self Storage Project in a rural community.  The land use plan basically talks about exclusively agriculture only and no commercial use.  How does a person begin to navigate getting approval for a self storage building?  We have made it blend in with the surrounding farmland by modeling it …

Self Storage Investors - Business

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Storage Facility’s Impact on the Environment

Marketing a self storage facility today can be a bit of a challenge! How can you make this easier on yourself and ultimately make your business more successful? By making your facility more environmentally friendly. Consumers love supporting companies who are going green and who are making an effort to be environmentally-conscious. It doesn’t matter …

Mezzanine Investing - Self Storage

Filling a Self Storage Unit: Think Vertical!

By using a storage unit, you can achieve maximum efficiency by reducing the amount of clutter in the home and in the office. Make the best of your off-site storage with by utilizing the following tips: Where to Put the Furniture The manner in which you arrange your belongings will be a direct impact on …

Commercial Real Estate Investing

Ask Scott: Shipping Container Facility

“Does anyone have any experience with shipping container storage facilities? I’m looking for container suppliers.  Planning to start with a few 10 x 20 containers and see how it goes.  Anyone with experience who’s brain I can pick. We are looking to diversify from Buy and Hold RE.” Hey! The Shipping Containers that we recommend …

Investing in Storage Units

Tips for Combining Households

There is no refuting that combining two households is an exciting time and step in life. This time, though, can also bring its fair share of stress. Don’t let disagreements dampen your enthusiasm! Take heed of the advice below when starting down the path of combining your lives together. Ditch the Clutter Making yourselves a …

Commercial Real Estate Investing

Ask Scott: “On Demand Storage”

“Curious if you have researched this new business model of “On Demand Storage”?  I noticed UHaul appears to be going “all in” on the U-Box.  In Texas we have seen Call Box Storage open up in DFW, Austin, and Houston.  There are several others that appear to be off and running – Makespace, Stash Storage, …