LIVE with Scott Meyers

How to Assess Market Fit for Self Storage Investments

September 9, 2024

When diving into the world of real estate investment, particularly in self storage, understanding market fit is crucial to maximizing your returns. Self storage has become a robust segment of the real estate market, but not all investments are created equal. Different regions have varying demands for specific types of storage such as RV storage, climate-controlled units, or basic self storage. Here's how you, as a potential investor, can assess market fit in your chosen area of investment and conduct effective research to ensure success.

Understanding the Local Demand

  • Identify the Type of Storage in Demand. Start by identifying what is in demand in your target area. For instance, regions with a high number of RV owners might show a greater need for RV storage facilities. Conversely, areas with extreme weather conditions could have a higher demand for climate-controlled units to protect sensitive items from heat, cold, or humidity.
  • Conduct Market Surveys. Use surveys to understand local storage needs. This might involve direct surveys, leveraging online tools, or analyzing data from local real estate and storage businesses. Look for indicators such as high occupancy rates in existing facilities or long waiting lists, which suggest a strong demand.

Analyzing Economic and Demographic Factors

  • Study Local Economic Trends. Economic factors such as population growth, household income, and residential mobility can influence self storage demand. Areas experiencing growth in residential or commercial development are potential hotspots for self storage facilities.
  • Examine Demographic Characteristics. Demographic data such as age distribution, home ownership rates, and lifestyle trends (like downsizing or minimalism) can also dictate the type of storage solutions in demand. For example, younger populations might prioritize affordable storage options, whereas older demographics might need long-term storage solutions.

Evaluating the Competition

  • Assess Existing Facilities. Analyze the current landscape of self storage facilities within your target area. Look at their offerings, occupancy rates, pricing strategies, and customer reviews. Understanding your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses can help you identify gaps in the market and potential opportunities for differentiation.
  • Location and Accessibility. The best self storage facilities are both visible and easily accessible. Locations near highways, main roads, or residential areas tend to perform better. Assess the accessibility of potential sites and consider how the location might influence demand.

Leveraging Technology and Data

  • Use GIS Tools. Geographic Information System (GIS) tools can help analyze geographic and demographic data effectively. These tools allow you to visualize data overlays such as population density, income levels, and real estate development patterns to pinpoint ideal locations for self storage facilities.
  • Real Estate and Storage-Specific Software. There are software platforms and services that provide market analysis, feasibility studies, and predictive analytics for the self storage industry. Utilizing these tools can significantly streamline the research process and provide deeper insights into market demand and competition.

Getting Expert Insights

  • Consult with Industry Experts. Don't hesitate to consult industry experts or hire consultants specializing in self storage. Their insights can be invaluable, especially when entering new markets or for first-time investors. They can offer customized advice and help avoid common pitfalls.
  • Attend Industry Conferences and Seminars. Participating in industry conferences, webinars, and seminars is another excellent way to gain insights, stay updated with market trends, and network with other professionals.

Final Thoughts

Investing in self storage is not just about finding the right piece of real estate; it's about understanding the unique needs of the local market. By thoroughly assessing market fit, you can position your investment to capitalize on the specific demands of your chosen area, enhancing your chances for a successful and profitable venture. Remember, thorough research and strategic planning are your best tools in making an informed investment decision. Happy investing!