4 More Easy Ways to Improve Your Storage Facility’s Impact on the Environment

Commercial Real Estate Investing

In a previous article we talked about how going paperless, working with a LEER-contractor, and adding landscaping can go a long way in making your facility more eco-friendly, which in turn will bring in more customers. Let’s touch on a few more ways you can do this!

1.Make Use of Energy Star Products
These cover a large range of products! Refrigerators, de-humidifiers, HVAC systems, fans, and lighting are all available in Energy Star rated products. Not only are these modern products designed to be more effective and to use lower energy, but they are affordable to maintain and will save you a ton of money in the amount of energy that they use day-to-day.

2.Sell recycled boxes and packing materials
If you have a retail space to provide your customers with all they will need to move, then you have a build in opportunity to sell recycling boxes and packing materials! People are even willing to pay marginally more to buy eco-friendly materials. Consider ditching the packing peanuts and plastic items and replacing them with biodegradable materials. This will also reduce waste at your facility!

3.Have Recycling Bins Available
You most likely already have a dumpster on the property, but consider adding some recycling bins next to them and encourage your tenants to use them! Recycling is very common in most households, so why not let them carry that eco-consciousness to your storage facility as well?

4.Install Solar
I think this is one of my favorites. This is slightly easier to do if you are building a new facility, but is equally beneficial to older ones. Self storage facilities are usually long buildings with the perfect shaped roof for placing solar panels on. The initial cost for instillation is high, but the return on such an investment far outweighs it. Plus, there are many federal and state incentives that will sweeten this deal even more.

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