
Learn the ins and outs of self storage investing…

Storage Units Investing

Do You Need Residents to Make Money in Real Estate?

Barbara Streisand once said “people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world.” Do you agree that this is necessarily the case? Or do you think that in real estate people tend to only cause more problems? Your real estate build doesn’t NEED people to exist, but without people inside, you don’t get …

Self Storage Evaluator - Scott Meyers

Ask Scott: Interested in a MHP or Self Storage

“My business partner and I have been purchasing residential rental properties in Topeka, KS for the last 13 years.  We are very interested in purchasing a smaller MHP +/- 30 pads in the KS or MO area.  We are also interested in self-storage in the same area.  These feel like the new rage now days …

Self Storage Investing -Self Storage Professional

Who is the Quarterback on Your Team?

Just like in football, there is one member of your team that is going to carry the game. Do you know who this is? Your manager! They are absolutely vital to the success of your facility and not having the right one can be detrimental. The importance of having a good manager cannot be overlooked! …

Private Placement Memorandums - Storage Professional

Strength in All Metal Construction

One of the most unique attributes of a self storage facility is that a large majority of them are all-metal constructions. Think about it, are there any other real estate asset class that shares this trait? Can you think of any advantages of an all metal structure? This isn’t a commonly discussed topic, but it …

Investing in Storage Units

Ask Scott: Enough Land?

I currently own about 2 acres of property in upstate NY. I am trying to sell my restaurant that sits on that property. Since I am having difficulty selling it, I thought I would get creative. I thought about utilizing that property for storage space. If feasible, I would knock down the restaurant and produce …

Investing in Storage Units

Ask Scott: 42-Unit Storage Facility

“Hey Scott- Here is the skinny on what we have in front of us. There is a 42-unit self storage facility listed on MLS with average rent of $65/unit; Built in 1998; located in TX. This is a mom-and-pop operation. The area is blue-collar and 3mi off a busy interstate. Annual expenses about $5-$6k. Asking …

Self Storage Investors - Private Money

4 Final Easy Ways to Improve Your Storage Facility’s Impact on the Environment

We have previously discussed 7 important was to make your self storage facility more environmentally friendly. If you haven’t seen those previous articles, be sure to go check them out! Let’s chat about the final 4 ways you can do this to save yourself some money and to attract eco-conscious customers. 1.Weatherproof the facility! I …

Private Money - Self Storage Units

Ask Scott: What to do with $1Million?

“What would you do in this market with $1 ml cash? We are at the top of the cycle and every asset seems a bubble close to bust? Sit tight and wait for another down turn, or find off market deals and flip? Living in Chicago , with high taxes and rising even more” What …

Commercial Real Estate Investing

4 More Easy Ways to Improve Your Storage Facility’s Impact on the Environment

In a previous article we talked about how going paperless, working with a LEER-contractor, and adding landscaping can go a long way in making your facility more eco-friendly, which in turn will bring in more customers. Let’s touch on a few more ways you can do this! 1.Make Use of Energy Star Products These cover …